October 22, 2009

And we are back...

After our little detour in life:
Knuffin Around...Homeless

we are now back in full swing!
Knuffin Around...Austin

September 08, 2009


I am now officially homeless and jobless...last night was my final shift at the hospital. I will miss it dearly. I have always said "nursing is my hobby and being a mommy, wife, house keeper, cook, etc is my real job."

As we take this detour in life, so will my blog. Please follow us as I begin yet another story to document the challenges and adventures of living in the country while homeschooling. Today we are leaving the fast lane and will stop to smell every flower, count each star, and focus on our family and our self.

Be patient, we have no TV or Internet...so we are at the mercy of the nearest (20 miles) McD's wifi. Until then we welcome 'snail mail.' Visitors are welcome at anytime too!

Knuffin Around...Homeless!
Clink on the link above to follow.

September 03, 2009

Final Days, Take 2

Last visit to another favorite today. 2 years ago when we became members of the science museum, the kids were more engaged in imaginative play...now they enjoy the upper level with the real 'science experiments.' And Ms. Pink is old enough to really enjoy the atmosphere too!

September 02, 2009

Final Days

Before heading south, our days are filled with final good byes to all our friends. Today we met our pals from OK near the Red River at the Frank Buck Zoo. It was the perfect day for sunshine, giraffe feedings, a picnic, park time and a train ride!

August 29, 2009

Playing Hookie

What does one do rather than attending the first week of school?

1. Feed the ducks.
2. Play at a splash park.
3. "Hooooowl" the night away at the Great Wolf Lodge.

August 28, 2009

Not Again...

Yes, the inevitable finally happened. Sooo sad but anxious to start another new adventure! Here we go again...

August 22, 2009

Hairy Hotdogs!

Ever since a friend of mine sent me this idea, I could not wait to try it. And what other perfect time then needing to thoroughly clean out ones pantry and fridge. Just slide the noodles into sliced dogs and boil...add your favorite sauce and hope the boys aren't laughing too hard to eat!

August 19, 2009


As I quickly prepare my family for yet another "adventure" in our story book called life, I scored a full set of Children's Encyclopedias for $10 at the used book store. Not to mention a Children's Dictionary for another $3. How else am I supposed to home school at the farm with no Internet connection? Even though the material was printed in 1990...I don't think apples to zebras have really changed that much! Wish me luck as we begin the countdown.

August 10, 2009

In the Navy

We broke up the drive home with a 3 hour lay over at the USS Alabama. The boys were amazed with the ship's size and going inside a real submarine. We could not leave the gift shop without buying their first set of army men.

Warning: This battleship nor the submarine is suitable for young children (Ms. Pink was a mess) or above the knee sundresses as you climb the narrow ladders to different levels with lots of people above and below you!

August 08, 2009

Family Tradition...

From trips to Mexico including one in a wedding dress and tux, to the beaches of Europe, Hawaii, and Belize...the back photo continues. It just keeps getting bigger!

Captain Sunset

We jumped aboard a small 90 minute excursion to learn about the history and future of this area. Each child got a turn at the helm as the sun set across the water. God blessed us with a gorgeous evening!

August 07, 2009

Crooked Island

If you ever want to play 'castaway,' head to Crooked Island. It is a public beach protected by the nearby air force base. Granted, you have to walk a way and the further the walk the more private it becomes...but each step further is definitely worth it.

Palm sized seashells, untouched sand dollars, and picturesque sand dunes lined with sea oats can make anyone fell as if they are lost at sea!

August 06, 2009

34 years...

Worth every smile and tear to get me here!

Pink Pirate Birthday

He is learning. My husband is becoming a planner! When we booked my "birthday week" back in February, an email went out to all our friend to join us. My best friend and her family took us up on the offer. Thanks to my husband for a fabulous party, to my BF for making the perfect birthday cake and joining us for the week, and to all of you who participated and sent in pirate photos from all over the world...from Texas to Ohio, from Italy to Africa...I love you all!

Crabby Crabs

Crab catching is a favorite past time of all the beach goers once the sun is down. Grab a net, bucket, and flash light...and lets get crab'n!

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